The secret entrance to Bilibin's pictures at fravia's

(Updated June 1999)
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Images] ~ [Biography] ~ [Portrait] ~ [Javascript code used on this page]

Ivan Bilibin ~ Images

Submit your own images, I'll publish them (there are even some 'lost' images around)

Ivan Bilibin ~ Biography

Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (1876 - 1942) was a popular Russian graphic artist and stage designer. His illustration style was influenced by the stylised forms of Russian Folk and Medieval art, in particular embroidery, woodcuts and illuminated manuscripts. His use of precise lines links him to the graphic work of Art Nouveau. Bilibin is best known for his work illustrating Russian fairy tales and epic poems, using his particular style to recreate the magical, colourful world of Russian folklore. He also is known for his illustrations to the works of Pushkin and Lermontov. Bilibin's approach to these tales was guided by a strong sense of place. The forests and mountains of Old Russia were predominant players in images that often provided as many distractions as focal points. He seemed anxious to incorporate traditional designs and motifs, often as framing devices for illustrations that didn't require them.

He also did a lot of work for the theatre, designing stunning sets and costumes. Some of the operas he designed for were The Tale of Tsar Saltan, The Tale of the Golden Cockerel and Prince Igor, and they were staged in the leading theatres of Petersburg, Moscow, Paris and Prague.

He left Russia in 1920 (at the age of 44) for Egypt, where he set up a studio and lived until 1925. He moved to Paris for the opening of the World Exhibition at the age of 49. He had a one man show in Prague in 1926 and helped stage an exhibition of Russian artists in Paris in 1927. He was, by now, an accomplished and sought-after stage designer and helped stage numerous ballets and operas in Paris, which had its own "Russian Opera Season." Finally in 1931, at the age of 55, he returned to the illustration of Russian and Oriental fairy tales for a Parisian publisher.

He returned to Russia in 1936 where he died at the age of 66 in February of 1942. He was in Leningrad during the German blockade. He left several unfinished projects.

Ivan Bilibin ~ Portrait


Ivan Bilibin ~ Javascript for the images above

The images are pre-loadeed and the Javascript code for this page looks like this:

// bilimage swapper by fravia+ 1999 (http://www.fravia.org), who was quite

// fedup with swapper of images that had to be all of the same size

<script language="JavaScript">

<!--  HIDE script

// Code below pre-loads images

// 	WARNING: on the page there must be NO OTHER 

// 	image before the first 'default' one! (#0)

var image1 = new Image()

image1.src = "bilrk.jpg"

var image2= new Image()

image2.src = "bab2.jpg"

var image3 = new Image()

image3.src = "bilibi_8.jpg"

// ... etcetera...

// When called from a button, this code swaps the images

var bilimage

function swap(bilimage)


     document.images[0].src = bilimage+".jpg"


// UNHIDE -->


<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<img src="gorham_62k.gif" border=0>



<input type=button onClick="swap('bilrk')" Value="1) Red_Knight">

<input type=button onClick="swap('bab2')" Value="2) Baba_Yaga"><hr width=44>

<input type=button onClick="swap('bilibi_8')" Value="3) bilibi_8">

// ... etcetera...


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