Killing those Javascript Messageboxes
Netscape optimising

by +YOSHi
(16 September 1997)

Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering

Well, a new +contribution to our project 5... (yet we still await mammon_'s one too) Here +YOSHi teaches something pretty interesting... a nice reverse engineering essay: short and precise!
Only one critic, though: please, never forget, from now on, to give THE VERSION of the target you are using! This is even more important with a target like Navigator, which comes in hundredone different flavours.


		Killing those Javascript Messageboxes

				by +YOSHi

First thing, WHY would you want to kill javascript messageboxes? Well,

same reason you'd want to kill cookies, they're annoying, and they do

pop up quite often, usually as disclaimers. Please note that Netscape

uses MessageBoxA to display the box.

a. Load up Netscape (assuming you have SoftIce loaded). Pick a page with

a Javascript MessageBox, like the one on fravia+'s home page.

b. Bpx messageboxa, BEFORE you visit the site

c. Load the page into Netscape

d. You will land in SoftIce, in the messageboxa code. Here's where the

crack starts.

e. P RET once and look at the code. There is nothing really interesting,

so p ret a few times until you come to the following code:

mov ebx, [eax + 4c]

call display&check

add esp, 08 

(c) +YOSHi, 1997. All rights reversed.

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