


--------=====_masta_'s Tutorial on Win95 ASM Coding Part 0=====---------



Hi, after unsuccessfully searching the for an assembly tutorial on

Win95 I decided to contribute a little one of my own and I hope this

is just one of many to come.

		        --==WHAT IS NEEDED?==--

	1. Brain ;)

	2. A(n Intel compatible) Computer with Win95

	3. TASM 5.0 (with Tlink, libfiles, etc ...)

	4. An API-Reference (Win32.HLP)

        ---> most of it can be found on 

	     lžRD «‰LÔG¯'$ f’‹tˆ$tÔ© w¯RL­ ¯F ¢RAcKÔÒG 

	     [> NEVER!!!: "messageboxa"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Simple!: The popular "Hello World" - Demo :-).

		--==HELLO WORLD !!==--

These are two words, that every coder has already seen ...

So first we should think about, how we want to show it on the 

screen. So what I do, is just use a MessageBox and since we

work in Win95 and we want to use FULL 32bit Power, the command

will be "MessageBoxA".

So we switch over to our Api-Reference (Win32.hlp) and search

for "MessageBoxA". This is what we should find:


   int MessageBox(

       HWND  hWnd,	   // handle of owner window

       LPCTSTR  lpText,	   // address of text in message box

       LPCTSTR  lpCaption, // address of title of message box  

       UINT  uType 	   // style of message box



-  Since we don't ahve a window, that calles our MessageBox we set

   "hWnd" to zero.

-  "lpText" will be the offset of our text (where it is stored)

-  "lpCaption" ---> offset of the Caption

-  "uType" we set to "0" also, which corresponds to a "normal" 

   MessageBox with a nice OK-button (Type mb_ok)

So now let's get started and see the source in ASM ...


			      ; set some options for the assembler




.Model Flat ,StdCall

mb_ok     equ 0               ;mb_ok gets the value "0"

hWnd      equ 0   

lpText    equ offset text     ;set a pointer to the text

lpCaption equ offset caption  ;set a pointer to the caption

; declaration of all used API-functions

extrn     ExitProcess     : PROC     ;procedure to shut down a process

extrn     MessageBoxA     : PROC     ;procedure to show a MessageBox

; here begins our Data


text     db "Hello World",13,10 ; first row of the text(with word-wrap)

         db "_masta_ greets everybody who reads this tut",0

                                ; second row, terminated with "0"

caption  db "Hello",0 ;Captionstring, 0-terminated

; and here we start with our code



				; lets greet the world   :))

        push mb_ok              ;PUSH value for uType

        push lpCaption          ;PUSH Pointer to Caption

        push lpText             ;PUSH Pointer to Text

        push hWnd               ;PUSH Masterhandle

        call MessageBoxA        ;CALL MessageBoxA

        CALL    ExitProcess     ;End (exit) program

End Main                        ;End of code, Main is the entrypoint


You can compile this source with the following "MAKE.BAT"

------------------------cut here--------------

tasm32 /mx /m3 /z /q tut

tlink32 -x /Tpe /ap /c tut,tut,, import32.lib

------------------------cut here--------------

and the "import32.lib".

Well as you see, it is not much, but I hope it it can be a good start to

Windows-coding in ASM for you.

			   --==FINAL WORDS==--

This is my first, but surely not my last Tutorial on Assembly-coding for

windows ...

Ok, hope to CyA all at the next one ....


VucoeT (Translator [ :) ]), |Caligo| (kewl Page), fravia+ (best on the web),

stone (for the inspiration), not4you, fungus, |Quest|, 

Silvio (where are you ?), Vantmas and every Cracker on this planet ...


------======everybody was a lamer, before they become ELITE======-------




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