Lesson 9 (1): How to crack Windows, Hands on



     I have chosen an older windows application for Win 3.1.

(WIN4MANT.EXE, 562271 bytes, Version 1.10, by Joseph B. Albanese;

you'll find it searching the web with the usual tools, see how

to do it at the end of this lesson), in order to show you how to

use a nice little trick, at times really useful in cracking

password protected programs: [data_constraint]. Inside almost all

protection routines, as you have already learned, there is a

moment when on the stack the ECHO of the real, "correct"

passnumber or password appears. The location of this ECHO varies,

but most of the time it'll be in a range of +- 0x90 bytes from

one of the locations where the user input dwells. This is due to

datadump windows constraints inside the tools used by the

protectionists... but this use is bound to diminish... especially

after this lesson :=)


 This application is -per se- crappy, I doubt you'll ever use

it... but its curious (and pretty rare) "deactivate" mode is

nevertheless very interesting for us: you can "unregister"

Winformant on the fly if you feel the need to.

 This feature is pretty useful for scholars that like to

investigate password algorithms with valid and invalid codes

without having to reinstall every time to delete a valid code.

For your cracking exercises choose programs that have

"REVERSIBLE" protections (rare) or that can be re-registered a

billion times (more frequent). Programs that keep the valid

registration on *.ini or special files will also do the job: you

just change a couple of lines to "unregister" them.

 The trick of this lesson: [data_constraint], or "password

proximity", bases on the protectionist's need to keep an eye on

the protection "working" when he assembles it. He must "see" the


and the CORRECT NUMBER ANSWER (in our jargon: the "Bingo"). These

relationships must be constantly checked In order to debug the

protection code. Mostly they will dwell TOGETHER inside a small

stack area, allowing them to be "seen" in the SAME watchwindow.

Most of the time, therefore, the "ECHO" will "materialize"

shortly not very far away from one of the locations of the USER

INPUT. Let's crack:

* Fire Winice and then Winformant

* Choose HELP and then choose REGISTRATION

* Fill the registration fields with "+ORC+ORC" as "Registrant"

and "12121212" as "Activation" code (use whatever you fancy).

CTRL+D              ;switch to Winice

:task               ;let's see what's the name of this crap

TaskName  SS:SP StackTop StackBot StackLow TaskDB  hQueue  Events

WINWORD   1AD7:85F2 4A52  8670      7532     1247    122F    0000

PROGMAN   1737:200A 0936  2070      1392     066F    07F7    0000

DISKOMAT *2C5F:6634 1D3C  6AC6      5192     2CB7    2C9F    0000

:hwnd DISKOMAT      ;which window is getting the input?

WinHandle   Hqueue  QOwner    Class Name        Window Procedure

0EB4(0)      2C9F    DISKOMAT  #32769            04A7:9E6B

 0F34(1)     2C9F    DISKOMAT  #32768            USER!BEAR306

 365C(1)     2C9F    DISKOMAT  #32770            2C3F:0BC6

  36BC(2)    2C9F    DISKOMAT  Button            2C3F:1CEA

  3710(2)    2C9F    DISKOMAT  Edit              2C3F:24BE

... and many more irrelevant windows.

Let's pinpoint the code, here the relevant window is the first

"Edit" one, for obvious reasons (more on this later).

:bmsg 3710 wm_gettext           ;set breakpoint

CTRL+D                          ;run the babe until you get:

Break Due to BMSG 3710 WM_GETTEXT C=01

  Hwnd=3710 wParam=0050 lParam=2C5F629A msg=000D WM_GETTEXT

2C3F:000024BE B82F2C            MOV     AX,2C2F

So! Now we have "pinpointed" the babe (more on "pinpointing"

later). Let's snoop around a little: look at the stack to fetch

your babe's last call (if it does not show immediately, just keep

pinpointing, for instance on GetWindowText() or do a BPRW

diskomat (very useful), and then try and retry the stack...

should this too fail to work, search for your input in memory (in

the 30:0 lffffffff selector, as usual) and breakpoint range on

it with ReadWrite, and then stack, stack, stack... until you get

the "real" list of calls coming from your babe's protection.

:stack              ; let's see

USER(19) at 073F:124C [?] through 073F:1239

CTL3D(02) at 2C3F:0D53 [?] through 2C3F:0D53

DISKOMAT(01) at 2C97:20B9 [?] through 2C97:20B9

DISKOMAT(01) at 2C97:3D94 [?] through 2C97:3D94

DISKOMAT(01) at 2C97:49E2 [?] through 2C97:4918

DISKOMAT(04) at 2C7F:EA20 [?] through 2C7F:EA20

USER(01) at 04A7:19BE [?] through USER!GETWINDOWTEXT

== CTL3D(02) at 2C3F:24BE [?] through 04A7:3A3CÊ

 Beautiful stack fishing! Do immediately a BPX on babe:EA20.


2C7F:EA3A 8D46AE       LEA    AX,[BP-52]     ;load ptr "+ORC+ORC"

2C7F:EA3D 16           PUSH   SS   ;save pointer segment

2C7F:EA3E 50           PUSH   AX   ;save pointer offset

2C7F:EA3F 9A768D872C   CALL   2C87:8D76; get strlen "ORC+ORC"

2C7F:EA44 83C404       ADD    SP,+04

2C7F:EA47 3D2800       CMP    AX,0028

2C7F:EA4A 762C         JBE    EA78


2C7F:EA97 8D46AE       LEA    AX,[BP-52]     ;load ptr "+ORC+ORC"

2C7F:EA9A 16           PUSH   SS     ;various algors on input

2C7F:EA9B 50           PUSH   AX     ;follow here, we do not

...                                  ;need to care

2C7F:EAB2 0F851101     JNE    EBC7

2C7F:EAB6 8D8E5CFF     LEA    CX,[BP+FF5C]  ;ptr "12121212"

2C7F:EABA 16           PUSH   SS

2C7F:EABB 51           PUSH   CX

2C7F:EABC 9A768D872C   CALL   2C87:8D76 ;get strlen "12121212"

2C7F:EAC1 83C404       ADD    SP,+04

2C7F:EAC4 50           PUSH   AX

2C7F:EAC5 8D865CFF     LEA    AX,[BP+FF5C] ;ptr "12121212" HERE!

2C7F:EAC9 16           PUSH   SS

2C7F:EACA 50           PUSH   AX

...etc, various algors on input follow here

  OK, it's enough: now obviously follows the code that

"algorithmize" the number string, and then, somewhere, you'll

have the hideous compare that divides good guys and bad crackers.

You could examine, and crack, and search...


it: The echo must be somewhere... how do we find it? Searching

"12121212" in memory fishes at least 10 different locations...

:s 30:0 lffffffff '12121212'

Pattern Found at 0030:0005AD6A

.... (7 more)

Pattern Found at 0030:80509D6A

Pattern Found at 0030:8145AD6A

 Should we look for all occurrences of string '12121212',

starting with the two at 80000000, dumping +-0x90 around it...

until we find the echo? We could, and it would work, but that's

not zen... that's boring! In other protections these locations

could proliferate on purpose, to deter the casual cracker. There

must be some other way... And lo and behold! YES! There is a

quicker way... THE LAST loading of the numeric input string in

the code (the one after the strlen count) is the "right" one for

our cracking purposes, coz protections follow (mostly) this

pattern (remember: we are inside a "stack-heavy" section of the

code... if you want to crack higher I suggest you read some good

literature about stack working, stack tricks and stack magics

with the Intel processors):

     LOAD NAMEString - COUNT NAMEStringLen


     LOAD CODEString - COUNT CODEStringLen

     LOAD CODEString

               *ECHO must be here*


               *ECHO must be here*


  This means that at line

2C7F:EAC5 8D865CFF   LEA  AX,[BP+FF5C]  ;ptr "12121212"

you'll already have your echo somewhere... just dump the memory

around the pointer [BP+FF5C]:

:d 2c5f:61e8   ;these numbers will differ in your computer

02 62 2F 06 02 00 26 2E-A3 4E A3 4E 01 00 38 30  .b/...&..N.N..80

33 37 2D 36 34 36 2D 33-38 33 36 00 01 06 02 00  37-646-3836.....

2F 06 75 62 C3 2E B7 04-F2 24 2F 06 CE 6E 2F 06  /.ub.....$/..n/.

49 00 5A 00 01 00-04 2C 2F 06 AE 24 36 62 00 00  I.Z......,/..$6b

74 62 7A 2E B7 04 36 62-01 00 C2 62 2F 2C 26 2E  tbz...6b...b/,&.

03 01 BA 0F AE 24 5F 02-C9 01 5E 02 BA 01 5F 02  .....$_...^..._.

31 32 31 32 31 32 31 32-00 0C 00 BC 02 00 00 00  12121212........

00 49 00 BA 0F-AE 24 F2 24 2F 06 00 00 00 00 00  ....I....$.$/...

AF 17 00 E2 5F-7A 62 FE FF 79 1B BA 0F 00 00 00  ......._zb..y...

96 0B 01 00 02 4E 00-37 01 8A 62 D2 0F 8F 17 00  .....N..7..b....

2F 06 00 37 01-98 62 20 10 16 03 2F 06 00 00 00  /.....7..b .../.

C2 62 2B 4F 52 43 2B 4F-52 43 00 0D AE 24 2F 06  .b+ORC+ORC......

 Look at this dump: everybody is there! The stack pointers points

in the middle, at string "12121212". 0x50 bytes before it you'll

find our good old ECHO (i.e. the CORRECT passnumber) and 0x50

bytes afterwards you'll see your handle: here "+ORC+ORC".

     It's cracked! The code for my "+ORC+ORC" is 8037-646-3836...

Now begin your assignments: if you rally want to learn cracking:

-    "Unregister" and find anew your own code for your own

     handle. *DO NOT* use serial numbers with any other name

     that your own handle, that's miserable stealing, not

     cracking. I'll begin to punish the serial#_aficionados on

     the Web, coz I like real outlaws, but I detest stupid


-    Study the two coding algorithms, the one for the input name

     and the one for the input number, this will be very useful

     for your future cracking sessions.

-    Find the "Compare", i.e. the code that sets the two usual

     flags "good guy, you may move on" and "bad cracker, beggar

     off", and

-    Create a "real" crack for this protection, that will allow

     anybody you think deserves it, with any name and any

     password number, to get through.


     Snap 32  (SNAP32.EXE 356.352 bytes, 24/11/95,  Version 2.54,

by Greg Kochaniak) is a "snapshot" shareware program for Windows

95, that allows users to save the screen, parts of it, or a

single window. It's a very common 'try before you buy' program,

limited to 30 days use. You'll find it everywhere on the Web. If

you do not know how to search the Web (poor guy!), learn at the

end of this lesson the correct procedure to find all the files

you need on the Net and get them automatically emailed to you

(that's something you should learn: SEARCHING! It's even more

important than cracking!).

     Snap32 is not very interesting (I don't think I used it more

than a couple of times), but its protection is: in order to (try

to) deter casual crackers it does not compare strings, it

compares a "magic" sum (from Namestring) with another magic sum

(from Numberstring). And:

*    SUMS magics inside the GDI, not inside its own code;

*    USES a look_up table for input validation instead of

     "plain" code;

*    COMPARES the "magic" manipulation from input NUMBER with

     the "magic" manipulation from input NAME.

  The cracking procedure for most of these windows programs is

pretty simple and relatively straightforward:


:task     ;This is the Winice95 command you type after firing

snap32 and getting at the "Enter License" nag window:

TaskName SS:SP     StckTp   StckBt  StckLw TaskDB  Hqueue  Events

Snap32   0000:0000 006 AC000 006B0000       270E    D27    0000

OK, the babe is Snap32,it's HQUEUE is 0xD27, it's TaskDB is

0x27OE, orright.


:map32 snap32       ;Your command

Owner     Obj Name  Obj#  Address        Size      Type

SNAP32    .text     0001  0137:00401000  00043000  CODE  RO

SNAP32    .rdata    0002  013F:00444000  00002E00  IDATA RO

SNAP32    .data     0003  013F:00447000  00009000  IDATA RW

SNAP32    .idata    0004  013F:00471000  00001C00  IDATA RW

SNAP32    .rsrc     0005  013F:00473000  00001600  IDATA RO

SNAP32    .reloc    0006  013F:00475000  00004C00  IDATA RO

OK, so the code is in selector 137:(as usual), and you have there

43000 bytes of code from 401000 to 401000+43000; the DATA,

ReadWrite and ReadOnly, are in selector 13F: (as usual).


:hwnd snap32             ;Your command

Window Handle  Hqueue  SZ  Qowner   Class Name Window Procedure

 0350(1)       0D27    32  SNAP32   #02071     144F:0560

  0354(2)      0D27    32  SNAP32   #02071     17CF:102E

  ... and many more windows that we do not care of.

  OK, so, for our cracking purposes, it's Handle 0x350. Most of

the times the "nag" window you want to crack will be the first

one in the hwnd listing (coz it was the last one to appear).

Watch the number in parentheses that follows the Whandle: (1) is

a mother, (2) are "children" windows. At times you'll find under

"Class Name" something like "Edit" (see before the Winformant

cracking)... SNIFF THERE! At times the "Window Procedure" code

location in a list of more than twenty, will be slightly

different for one or two windows... SNIFF THERE!

4) BREAKPOINT MESSAGE WM_GETTEXT (or any other WM_ that you can

think of in order to "pinpoint" the code of our babe).

"Pinpointing" the code is extremely important in windows

cracking... this idiotic OS moves code, data and stack out and

inside the pages all the time... so you'll keep getting on

"INVALID" sections without a correct pinpointing. Good

Pinpointing points are in general:

  BMSG xxxx WM_GETTEXT   (good for passwords)

  BMSG xxxx WM_COMMAND   (good fro OK buttons)

  BPRW *your babe* TW    (good for tracking)

  u USER!GETWINDOWTEXT   (u and then BPX inside the code)

  u GETDLGITEM           (for the Hwnd of an Item inside a

                         Dialog Box)

  CSIP NOT GDI           (if you have too many interferences)

  u USER!SHOWWINDOW      (bpx with counter occurrence to get to

                         the "right" window)

  u GETSYSTEMTIME        (for "time-crippled" software)

and many others pinpointing points you'll learn. If you are

really desperate for pinpointing, just do a BMSG xxxx WM_MOVE and

then move the nag window, this will always work. Let's go on:

:bmsg 350 wm_gettext     ;Your command

OK, so the code is ready to be pinpointed.


CTRL+D                   ;Your command to exit Winice and run

                         until it pops out at breakpoint

OK, now you pop out inside Winice somewhere... (look at the stack

to know where) so the code has been pinpointed.

6) SEARCH THE DATA AREA for your input string (4 Gigabytes from

30:0... remember that DATA are *always* in 30:0 to 30:FFFFFFFF

and CODE is *always* in 28:0 to 28:FFFFFFFF). In most protection

the "registration_number" string must match the "username"

string, which cannot be constrained, in order to allow users to

choose whatever stupid name they fancy. Some protections requires

fixed symbols inside the "username" string, though... in these

rare eventualities, just apply to the "username" string what

we'll do here with the "registration_number" string. The point

to remember is: begin always with the protection fumbling your

number, crack only if necessary the protection that fumbles your

name. Let's search now.

:s 30:0 lffffffff '12121212'  ;Your command

     Pattern Found at 0030:80308612

80000000 is good. Lower era videos, mirrors and BIOS, higher

(around C0000000) you have the OS dustbins... the point to

remember is: investigate always FIRST the 80000000 locations.


By the way: prepare a watch window  dex 3 es:di, you'll soon see

how useful such an automated watchwindow is in password cracking.

:bpr 30:80308612 30:80308612+8 RW  ;Your command

OK Now we'll begin to dig out the relevant parts of the code.

Remember that you must breakpoint *every* copy of the string that

protection generates. A typical copy routine, very frequently

used in windows copy protection schemes, dwells inside


0117:9E8E 66C1E902      SHR     ECX,02

0117:9E92 F36766A5      REPZ MOVSD      ;makes a copy in es:di

0117:9E96 6659          POP     ECX

0117:9E98 6683E103      AND     ECX,+03

0117:9E9C F367A4        REPZ MOVSB

0117:9E9F 33D2          XOR     DX,DX

In fact, this piece of copying code is so often used for password

verifications that sometimes you just need to bpx on 0117:9E92

to get the correct stack sequence... but let's, for now, continue

without such little tricks: just keep on BPRring (Breakpoint on

memory range) all copies that protection makes.

8) LET THE BABE RUN, it will breakpoint on all manipulations of

your input string. One of them will lead to the magic.

8.1.)     VALIDATION phase

There are many routines that check and "validate" your inputs.

The most common ones check that your numbers ARE really numbers,

i.e. in the range 0x30-0x39. Usually this is done with:

          CMP  EAX,+30

          JB   no_number

          CMP  EAX,+39

          JA   no_number

At times the protectionists use TABLES instead... The number

itself is used as a pointer to a "ready made" table where the

relevant magic can be used as a protection. Imagine that a number

4  in your input points to a code section that throws you

immediately outside the validation routine... or imagine that a

number 7, if found in your input, fetches a magic code that

removes the whole program from your harddisk (or worse): "Ah, ah!

Stupid cracker will never know that he should not have used

number 4... and definitely not number 7! Next time he'll

learn..." Yes, tables have been used for such nasty tricks.

Here the relevant code for the "validation" part of our

protection (still checking my favourite input string '12121212'):


0137:4364AE 8A16       MOV     DL,[ESI] ;load license number

0137:4364B0 33C0       XOR     EAX,EAX  ;zero AX

0137:4364B2 668B0451   MOV     AX,[ECX+2*EDX] ;look table for 84

0137:4364B6 83E008     AND     EAX,+08  ;OK if AND'S TO zero

0137:4364B9 85C0       TEST    EAX,EAX  ;and therefore

0137:4364BB 7403       JZ      004364C0 ;go on

0137:4364BD 46         INC     ESI      ; ready for next number

0137:4364BE EBCD       JMP     0043648D


0137:4364C0 33DB       XOR     EBX,EBX  ;clean BX

0137:4364C2 8A1E       MOV     BL,[ESI] ;load license number

0137:4364C4 46         INC     ESI      ;ready for next

0137:4364C5 8BFB       MOV     EDI,EBX  ;save copy

0137:4364C7 83FB2D     CMP     EBX,+2D  ;is it a "-"?

0137:4364CA 7405       JZ      004364D1

0137:4364CC 83FB2B     CMP     EBX,+2B  ;is it a "+"?

8.2.)     MANIPULATION (summing magic numbers)

Your wisely set breakpoints on memory range for the occurrence

of the string "12121212" will pop you out, inter alia, inside

following piece of code (note how this part of protection dwells

inside GDI, and  NOT inside the code selector of snap32):

0557:11BD 33C0         XOR  EAX,EAX        ;zero AX

0557:11BF 66648B06     MOV  AX,FS:[ESI]    ;load number

0557:11C3 83C602       ADD  ESI,+02        ;point to next

0557:11C6 66833C4700   CMP  WORD PTR [EDI+2*EAX],+00

0557:11CB 0F8424010000 JE   000012F5

0557:11D1 668B0442     MOV  AX,[EDX+2*EAX] ;load from magic table

0557:11D5 03D8         ADD  EBX,EAX        ;save sum in EBX

0557:11D7 49           DEC  ECX            ;till we are done

0557:11D8 75E5         JNZ  000011BF       ;loop along

Interesting, isn't it? Protection is using this GDI routine to

create a SUM (through pointers to another table) that depends on

your very input numbers. We are now very near to the crack... can

you *feel* it? If not, prepare yourself a good Martini Vodka!

This is the correct way to do it:

 * Get a "highball" glass;

 * Put some ice cubes inside it (2 or 3);

 * Add Martini Dry (From Martini & Rossi). Fill to 1/3;

 * Add Moskowskaja Wodka (the only real Vodka). Fill to 2/3;

 * Add a zest of lemon (From Malta or Southern France);

 * Add a green "sound" olive (from Italy or Israel);

 * Add Schweppes Indian Tonic. Fill to the brim.

Sit deeper and relax, sip slowly and *feel* where the code of the

protection scheme you are cracking "moves"... It's like a

current... a slow tide. If you still do not believe me, just try


We'll now find out where protection stores the "magic" sum (and

now you'll pop out inside the very own snap32 code, this is the

"real" protection part):

8.3.)     The ludicrous "HIDING" of the magic sum

0137:40437E 83C404       ADD     ESP,+04

0137:404381 8B4DE8       MOV     ECX,[EBP-18]

0137:404384 8945F0       MOV     [EBP-10],EAX  ;***HERE!***

0137:404387 68FF000000   PUSH    000000FF

0137:40438C 8D8574FBFFFF LEA     EAX,[EBP+FFFFFB74] ;load string

0137:404392 50    PUSH   EAX                      ;push it

0137:404393 E886410100   CALL    0041851E         ;manipulate

0137:404398 8D8574FBFFFF LEA     EAX,[EBP+FFFFFB74] ;load string

0137:40439E 50    PUSH   EAX                      ;push it

0137:40439F E88C210300   CALL    00436530         ;manipulate

As you can see, the protection is very simple: The "magic" sum

is hidden only two lines before the further manipulations of the

input string. We have found location 137:404384, here, in the

CORRECT way, through bprring of the string that has been

manipulated in the GDI, but actually, we could have found it

quickly just checking superficially what's happening "around" all

manipulations of the input string. Do we really need to follow

all manipulations of our registration_number and eventually also

all manipulation of our username? NO, not at all: we just set a

BPR on the stack location where protection hides the sum [EBP-10]

and we'll see what happens: 90% of these protections just create

two sums, a sum from your username and a sum from your

registration_number... somewhere there will be a compare that

must use this location (or a copy of it... we'll see).


Breakpoint on memory range on the sum location [EBP-10] that you

saw in the previous code and you'll land at this piece of code:

0137:404412 E82F050000   CALL 00404946

0137:404417 83C40C       ADD  ESP,+0C

0137:40441A 3B45F0       CMP  EAX,[EBP-10] ;comp AX & magicsum

0137:40441D 740F         JZ   0040442E

0137:40441F 68C0874400   PUSH 004487C0

0137:404424 E8149E0000   CALL 0040E23D

0137:404429 83C404       ADD  ESP,+04

0137:40442C EB5B         JMP  00404489

0137:40442E 893DA0714400 MOV  [004471A0],EDI

0137:404434 85FF         TEST EDI,EDI

That's it, you have made it! We found the compare between the

"username" magic number (for my "+ORC+ORC" string that's here

0x7C25621B) in AX (we do not need to know how this landed

there... it's irrelevant!) and the "license_number" '12121212'

(whose magic is here 0x00B8F47C) stored in [pointer-10.] How do

we find now the correct INPUT number for +ORC+ORC? Well, it's

easy...  the "magic number" must be the same... therefore:



     That was it. Old Snap32 has been cracked. You could now

prepare a crack in order to distribute this program around

without its simple protection. Good cracked applications should

be given free (i.e. cracked) to all the people that NEED them and

do not have the money to buy them. Don't forget that in this

intolerable society the 0,5% of the citizens own the 56% of the

industrial capital and the 63% of the propaganda machines (data

from US researchers... therefore suspect... the real situation

is probably even worser) effectively conditioning the destiny of

millions of slaves, moronized by television watching. So crack

the applications and give them to the people you care and the

peolple that need them, but for the others... just EXPLAIN

everybody how you did it... this is real help: giving knowledge,

not wares. DO NOT use my handle and my codes to crack this

program, get yours, I gave you mine only as an help for this

cracking lesson. I have showed you the way enough... THIEFS, not

crackers, use the codes that others have found. You are (gonna

be) CRACKERS! Remember it, look straight ahead, crack accurately

and keep your tommy in.


  It's amazing: most of the people roaming around inside Internet

DO NOT know how to use effectively the web. I'll be very

altruistic and explain how to fetch the very example of Snap32,

the babe we cracked in this lesson.

1) Choose an archie from this list (I will not explain you what

an archie is, you should know it... if you do not, be ashamed):        Austria      Belgium       Finland        France         Germany            Israel       Italy         Norway

2) Email a message to your archie:

     To: (for instance)

     Subject:                      (nothing on this field)

     Body:     set search sub      (substrings too)

               set maxhits 140     (max 140 hits)

               set maxhitspm 9     (not the same file all over)

               find snap32         (we want this)

3) After a while you'll get (per email) your answer: Here the

answer from the Austrian archie

Host    (

 Last updated 17:48  9 Aug 1995

 Location: /pub/systems/windows.32/misc

  FILE    -rw-r-----  128957 bytes  15:59 16 Jun 1995

Host    (

 Last updated 00:45  4 Mar 1996

 Location: /pub/mydir

  FILE    -rw-r--r--  407040 bytes  11:55 28 Nov 1995  snap32.exe

4) ftpmail your file (Browsing is no good: too busy and lame).

Again, I will not explain you what an FTPMAIL server is: learn

it by yourself... choose a good one from this list (there are

many more... you'll learn):                           (Germany)                          (Ireland)                       (Poland)                      (South Africa)                       (Sweden)                        (Sweden)                   (United Kingdom)

To:   (for instance)

Subject:                           (leave blank)

Body:     open       (the last occurrence that

                                   the archie sent)

          cd/pub/mydir             (get the correct subdir)

          bin                      (prepare for BINARY)

          get snap32.exe           (I want this)

          quit                     (bye)

5) Your FTPMAIL server will first notice you a receipt:

FTP EMAIL response...

ftpmail has received the following job from you:

      reply-to +ORC


      get snap32.exe

ftpmail has queued your job as: 1834131821.5514

Your priority is 1 (0 = highest, 9 = lowest)

Requests to will be done before other jobs.

There are 14 jobs ahead of this one in the queue.

4 ftpmail handlers available.

To remove send a message to ftpmail containing just:

delete 1834131821.5514

After a while you'll get a second message, with your file

uuencoded inside... everything has been done.

YESSIR! there is absolutely no need to loose time on the WWW,

"surfing" idiotically from a junk site to the next or waiting

hours to download some slow file from an instable server! Wasting

time of your own LIFE, that you could use to read poetry, to make

love, to look at the stars, to sail slowly between the Aegean

islands or to start a nice cracking session. What's the point of

wasting your time when machines can perform all the searches you

need better, more productively and faster than you ever could...

YESSIR! You can get *everything* on the Web, and without paying

your Internet provider more than a couple of dimes... Nice, isn't


By now, if you have followed all my lessons, you should be able

to crack relatively quickly "normal" applications. There are some

new projects for 1997: a cracking "university", that will allow

us to prepare for the divine war against Microsoft repulsive

dominion. If you do not have already chosen your handle (your

"cracker" name, that's it), you may consider choosing an handle

with a "+" somewhere inside it or, eventually, add a "+" to your

handle. This sign is used by me and by friends that have studied

and/or contributed. But a "+" in your handle ("official +ORC

cracker") will mean even more:

1)   allows support from me personally (on a "do ut des" basis)

2)   allows pupils to identify each other (good for joining


3)   will open you (eventually) the doors to the "higher"

     cracking university I'll set up on the Web in 1997.

(I'm not getting megalomaniac... In reality I only need a "quick"

method to know on which (anonymous) people I can count on for the

next phase).

Well, that's it for this lesson, reader. Not all lessons of my

tutorial are on the Web.

     You 'll obtain the missing lessons IF AND ONLY IF you mail

me back (via with some tricks of the trade I may

not know that YOU discovered. Mostly I'll actually know them

already, but if they are really new you'll be given full credit,

and even if they are not, should I judge that you "rediscovered"

them with your work, or that you actually did good work on them,

I'll send you the remaining lessons nevertheless. Your

suggestions and critics on the whole crap I wrote are also


E-mail +ORC