Advanced Cracking

How to protect better

Everlock by Az-Tech: Reversing a Commerical Copy Protection Scheme - Part 1

12 December 1998

courtesy of fravia+'s page of reverse engineering

Well, Tomboy's style is very refreshing: precise, fact-oriented, sound. A very good DOS reversing essays that analyses in depth a tough protection $ scheme and therefore carries quite some teachings for advanced protectors and crackers alike. Moreover such 'weird track' - related protection schemes are bound to reappear 'en masse' with the whole DVD bazaar and the more and more diffused CD-ROM copy facilities. I perfomed some minor 'terminological' editing of this part, of course we are all awaiting part II!

Everlock by Az-Tech

Reversing a Commerical

Copy Protection Scheme

Part 1 (Introdution)

by Tomboy

December 7, 1998


Everlock copy protection has been around since the mid-1980s.  It is

one of the few survivors from the hey-day of disk based copy

protection.   Its longevity is due to Az-Tech's continuous

improvement with each successive version of Everlock.  This has

managed to keep them one step ahead of the casual cracker.  Although

both DOS and Windows programs can be protected with Everlock, this

paper deals only with the protection of DOS programs.

Part 1 of this series will serve to familiarize you with some of the

features of this copy protection scheme and point out possible

weaknesses that can be exploited.  It should be noted that of late,

Az-Tech has been heavily promoting their hardware based copy

protection, EverKey (i.e. dongle) instead of Everlock.

Recommended Files

While there are no essential files for this study, it will be more

fun if you have:

- Everlock 3.21c upgrade file from

- CUP 3.4 from

- Any Everlock protected program you might have laying around

- The EVREAD.ASM program

Elements of the Protection Scheme

Everlock is composed of some or all of the following elements:

- Specially formatted track on the master (key) or working diskette,

- Install counter on master diskette,

- Hidden files (EV?1.SYS, EV?2.sys) containing install information,

- Deleted file in root directory if hard drive install (FILE0100.CHK),

- Copy protection transfer utility (EVMOVE),

- Wrapped version of copy protected program (loader),

- Liberal use of encryption in all important files

The master diskette and working copies created by Everlock (of

versions 2.x and up) cannot be copied by any known software only

program (e.g. COPYIIPC, COPYRITE...etc.).  However, copies can be

produced using a Deluxe Option Board (sadly discontinued by Central

Point Software cica 1990).  Although Business Neverlock by Copyware

states it can defeat Everlock, Az-Tech disputes this claim.

Many elements of this protection scheme are similar to other

commercial schemes (Prolok, Softguard,..etc.).  The common thread in

all these schemes is the use of a specially formatted track on the

floppy diskette.  The more difficult it is to reproduce this track,

the more secure the protection.

Features of the Master Diskette

Analysis of the special formatted track (track 6, side 0 for my key

diskette) on the Master diskette of an Everlock protected program

shows that all sectors except for the last one are normal and

readable from DOS.  Deeper analysis using the "Track Editor" in the

Deluxe Option Board package shows that the last sector is present,

but has a non-standard size of 8192 bytes (at least according to the

header information) and has an incorrect data CRC.  Obviously, the

sector data field crosses the index position of the floppy diskette

(in the case of 360K and 720K floppies it even crosses the index

position a second time).  Reading this huge sector gives the

protection scheme access to all sector data on the track and the

intersector information as well.  You would think that creating such

a bizarre track would be a major feat requiring special hardware

(like the Deluxe Option Board).  However, the copy protection

tranfer utility (EVMOVE) can create working copies of the key

diskette with the same format using a standard floppy drive and


If you are curious about the contents of these special sectors, an

assembly language program has been written to read and dump the

sector to a file.  The source code for "EVREAD.ASM" is pasted at the

end of this paper.  You may need to edit the "drive", "track" and

"sector" variables before assembling the file based upon the

characteristics of your particular master diskette.  It is

recommended that the program be run from your hard drive to avoid

writing the output file to your key disk.

How Everlock Works

The wrapped program (actually a loader) employs a combination of

encryption and anti-debugger tricks to keep the cracker away from its

true code.  After the locader decrypts itself in memory, it verifies

that the files EV?1.SYS and EV?2.SYS are present, have a hidden

attribute, and contain valid information.  If the protection is

floppy diskette based, it also verifies the presence of the

specially formatted track and the contents of the 8192 byte sector.

For a hard drive install, the information in the EV??.SYS files is

the primary means to assure a valid authorization.  However, a zero

byte length, deleted file (ÂILE0100.CHK) is also placed in the root

directory for good measure.  The program will automatically search

all drives (including network drives) looking for a valid

authorization.  Failure to find a valid authorization causes the

program to reset all changed system parameters, erase itself out of

memory and exit to DOS.

If all goes right, eventually the original program is reconstructed

in memory and executes as normal.   On exit, as when the protection

check fails, the program resets all changed system parameters and

erases itself out of memory.

Brief Introduction to EVMOVE

EVMOVE (.COM or .EXE) is the name of Everlock's copy protection

transfer utility.  It is used to create working copies of the

program on diskettes or on a hard drive.  This program is often

renamed to something else like, AUTHORIZ.COM and AUTHMOVE.COM.

Because this program can create working copies of the protected

program and verify that the master disk is valid, it is a primary

target of our reverse engineering efforts.

Az-Tech is not dumb and has made this program very tough to attack.

It is encrypted (some parts are double encrypted), debugger hostile

(various versions commandeer some or all INTs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5),

and destroys itself in memory upon exit to DOS.  EVMOVE is an

impressive piece of pure assembly language programming that deserves

the cracker's respect.

EVMOVE can only be decrypted using a good virtual memory debugger to

get around some of its anti-debug tricks.  The "code digger"

debugger built into CUP386 version 3.4 is an excellent choice.  If

you aren't familar with CUP386, here is a typical command line:

C:\>CUP386 /3 /d

Now start tracing through the code.  A standard feature of the .COM

versions of EVMOVE is a CALL xxxx to the main decryption routine

which is ~8-9 bytes before the encrypted code.  Instead of RETing

from the decryption CALL, there is a JMP to the decrypted code at

the end of the routine.  For example:

-0100  JMP   10CB


. (Data is stored here)


-10CB  MOV   AX,CS


. (Some initiation code)


-1106  CALL  32AC    ;Call to main decryption routine, ends at 330E


. (~8-9 Byte Gap)


-1110  CMP   WORD PTR [01C7],+00    ;First decrypted instruction

. (Program execution continues)



-32AC  LDS   BX,ES:[0004]    ;Main decryption routine


. (Main decryption routine)


-330E  JMP   1110    ;This is where you JMP to the decrypted code

                     ;There is no "RET" from the CALL 32AC!

At this point, most of the file is decrypted.  However, there are

usually one or more sections within the code that are still

encrypted.  These sections are not decrypted until just before they

are run and are immediately reencrypted after exit.  One known

example reads and decrypts the program's serial number.  This is

important information that is used to link the copy protection to a

particular program.  Therefore, you can't fool one Everlock

protected program into running with the valid installation

information from a different Everlock program.  So, you can see why

the serial decyption routine would be well protected.  However,

these special double encrypted sections are easy to recognize and

decrypt if you know what to look for.  They will be examined further

in part II of this series.


As you can tell from the information presented, Everlock is a very

complex copy protection scheme.  Even after spending years reversing

this program, I still have only scratched the surface.  Hey, I could

use some help from experienced DOS reversers.  With enough

knowledge, we can write our own programs to create and strip this

protection from disks at our whim.

Source code for EVREAD.ASM



;| Module..: readev.asm						|

;| Program.:						|

;| Author..: Tomboy						|

;| Date....: 09/17/93						|

;| Version.: 1.0 for MASM 5.1					|

;| Notes...: Reads data from special 8192 byte sector used in	|

;|           Everlock copy protection and saves it to a file	|


stackseg	segment	stack		;This placates the linker

stackseg	ends

codeseg		segment			;This assures the the code

codeseg		ends			;segment will come first

dataseg		segment			;The data segment comes last

old_int_offset	dw	?		;address of old disk table

old_int_segment	dw	?

new_disk_table	db	0bh dup(00h)	;buffer for new disk table

sector		db	09h		;sector number of 8192 sector

track		db	06h		;track number

drive		db	00h		;floppy drive number, A=0, B=1

head		db	00h		;side to read, usually 0

error_code	dw	?		;diskette read error code

output_file	db	"8192byte.dat",00h

sector_buffer	label	byte		;offset to sector data buffer

dataseg		ends

groupseg	group	codeseg,dataseg

		assume	cs:groupseg

		assume	ds:groupseg

		assume	es:groupseg

codeseg		segment

		org	100h

main		proc	near

		call	save_vector	;save address of old disk table

		push	ds

		pop	es

		push	ds

		lea	di,groupseg:new_disk_table	;offset to new

		mov	si,groupseg:old_int_offset	;disk table buffer

		mov	ds,groupseg:old_int_segment

		mov	cx,000bh		;read old disk table info

		repz	movsb			;to new disk table buffer

		pop	ds

		mov	byte ptr groupseg:new_disk_table+3,06h	;change sector

		mov	al,groupseg:sector			;size to 8192

		mov	groupseg:new_disk_table+4,al	;last sector number

		mov	cl,al

		mov	ax,0

		mov	es,ax

		lea	ax,groupseg:new_disk_table

		mov	es:[0078h],ax		;point disk base table INT

		mov	ax,cs			;to new table location

		mov	es:[007ah],ax

		push	cs

		pop	es

		mov	bx,offset groupseg:sector_buffer	;setup for

		mov	ch,groupseg:track			;absolute

		mov	dl,groupseg:drive			;disk read

		mov	dh,groupseg:head

		mov	al,1

		mov	ah,2

		int	13h

		mov	groupseg:error_code,ax	;save error code

		call	restore_vector		;restore pointer to old

						;disk base table location


		xor	dx,dx			;reset diskette drive

		mov	ah,0

		int	13h


		call	write_file

		mov	ah,4ch			;exit

		int	21h

save_vector	proc	near

		push	ax

		push	es

		mov	ax,0

		mov	es,ax

		mov	ax,es:[0078h]

		mov	groupseg:old_int_offset,ax

		mov	ax,es:[007ah]

		mov	groupseg:old_int_segment,ax

		pop	es

		pop	ax


save_vector	endp

restore_vector	proc	near

		push	ax

		push	es

		mov	ax,0

		mov	es,ax

		mov	ax,groupseg:old_int_offset

		mov	es:[0078h],ax

		mov	ax,groupseg:old_int_segment

		mov	es:[007ah],ax

		pop	es

		pop	ax


restore_vector	endp

write_file	proc	near

		sub	cx,cx		;open output file

		mov	ax,3c00h	;and get handle

		mov	dx,offset groupseg:output_file

		int	21h

		xchg	bx,ax		;move file handle to BX

		mov	ax,4000h

		mov	cx,2000h	;number of bytes to write

		mov	dx,offset groupseg:sector_buffer

		int	21h

		mov	ax,3e00h	;close file

		int	21h


write_file	endp

main		endp

codeseg		ends

		end	main

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