NO MORE annoying anti SOFT-ICE tricks
(how to improve SOFT-ICE)
by The Owl (Winice wizard eccelso)


Courtesy of fravia's page of reverse engineering

              NO MORE annoying anti SOFT-ICE tricks or

              how to improve SOFT-ICE!


      today's best EXE protectors contain code to prevent debugging with 

   SOFT-ICE, which is the best debugger among the ones i came across so 

   far. following protectors are known to me to defeat SOFT-ICE:

      EEXE (Encrypt Exe found in FZC.EXE)

      HACKSTOP (found in WWPACK.EXE)

      PROTECT! (found in various files)

      GUARDIAN ANGEL (found in some versions of HWINFO.EXE)

      EXELITE (a Polish exe compressor)

      the one written by PREDATOR 666 (found in DCA.EXE v1.4)

      the one used by Martin Mal°k (found in HWINFO.EXE v3.05 and up)

      DS-CRP by Dark Stalker (hi!)

      SECURE v0.19 by the authors of WWPACK

      ALEC v1.5 (the very best protector :-) by Random

      and a few others i don't remember right now...

   the problems

      SOFT-ICE can be detected/halted/crashed in many ways, here's a short

   list of them (some of them only makes single stepping harder but not

   impossible). i also included a short note on the effects for each version

   of SOFT-ICE:

                 :-( this trick works, 

                 :-) it causes no problems

      1. by the use of the INT3 interface provided by SOFT-ICE one can 

         check for the presence of SOFT-ICE and then have it execute various

         commands, e.g. HBOOT (see HackStop). the loader part of SOFT-ICE

         also leaves some traces in the low DOS memory, so one can find out

         the entrance values of the INT3 interface even if they were changed

         (see HMVS - a heuristic macro virus scanner - by J. Valky and

         L. Vrtik that uses SECURE v0.19). the Windows versions can also be

         detected by the following code (thanks to Dark Stalker and ACP :-):

           mov ebp,"BCHK"

           mov ax,4

           int 3

           cmp ax,4

           jne winice_installed

         it seems that BoundsChecker talks to SOFT-ICE via an interface very

         similar to the one between LDR.EXE and SOFT-ICE (although it's

         completely undocumented, as far as i know...)

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-( (but the SECURE method is :-)

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      2. by checking for various devices SOFT-ICE installs ("CVDEBUG",

         "NU-MEGA", "SOFTICE1") and searching the part of the code SOFT-ICE

         leaves in the low DOS memory for some patterns (e.g. "CVDEBUG",

         "NU-MEGA", "SEGMAP", "S-ICE" (the latter coming from the filename),

         and any instruction sequence that's left there) one can detect the

         presence of SOFT-ICE. the Window$ versions provide a VXD entry point

         that can be get by:

           mov ax,01684h

           mov bx,0202h ; VXD ID for Winice, check out Ralf Brown's INTLIST

           xor di,di

           mov es,di

           int 2fh

           mov ax,es

           add di,ax

           cmp di,0

           jne winice_is_installed

         the Window$ versions can also be detected by calling the "debugger

         install check" function of the Window$ debug kernel (int 42/ax=0041),

         for more details see Ralf Brown's INTLIST.

         see HWINFO.EXE and DS-CRP.COM for an extensive application of these


         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-) but the VXD entry point check is :-(

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      3. by the use of the undocumented ICEBP/INT01 instruction (opcode 0xF1):

         SOFT-ICE gives a short beep before the execution of this instruction

         (it will be reflected back to the V86 mode handler, thus at least

         the intended handler will get it) which can be VERY annoying (and

         make the execution VERY slow), see EEXE for an application of this.

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-)

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      4. by using the TRAP flag, one can use the single stepping feature to

         call a protection routine (e.g. a decryptor). the problem is, that

         during single stepping SOFT-ICE clears the TRAP flag for the V86 task

         and will neither execute nor step into the INT01 handler of the

         V86 task. many schemes use this trick.

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-(

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      5. by the use of the debug (DRx) and control (CRx) registers:

         accessing these registers in V86 mode leads to a General Protection

         Fault (INT0D), which SOFT-ICE doesn't handle correctly (it's normally

         used for emulating instructions that access the interrupt flag, the

         debug registers, the control registers, etc.). the protected mode

         handler emulates instructions that access these registers by

         executing them, however it doesn't make note about this for itself,

         i.e. whenever a debug fault is triggered SOFT-ICE will think that

         it must pop up and won't reflect back this exception to the V86 mode

         handler (that's waiting for it in vain). for a working example see

         GUARDIAN ANGEL. furthermore, accessing DR4/5 and CR1 will halt

         SOFT-ICE with a General Protection Violation error message, which is

         of course quite disturbing if it's used many times in the program...

         and best of all by accessing CR4 SOFT-ICE simply crashes since

         there's no emulation code for this kind of instructions (there's a

         jump table that tells SOFT-ICE which routine to use to handle these

         instructions and the table ends with CR3...). this method was first

         used by Random in his ALEC.EXE v1.4 :-)

         another sad fact is that the emulation in SOFT-ICE is not complete:

         it ALWAYS uses eax no matter what the original instruction was...

         e.g. mov dr0,ebx will load dr0 from eax!

              mov ecx,dr0 will load eax from dr0!

         i guess it's needless to say how easy it is to detect this behavior...

         a sidenote for protection writers: other memory managers that run

         DOS in V86 mode may or may not handle these instructions correctly,

         so the use of this trick is highly discouraged.

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-(

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      6. by the use of INT08, which is the timer interrupt in real mode DOS,

         and the Double Fault Exception in protected mode. the protected mode

         handler checks whether it was entered from V86 mode or not, and in

         the first case it reflects back this interrupt to the V86 mode

         handler. however, one can't single step into it.

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-)

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      7. by the use of the INT07 interrupt (this is the Coprocessor Not 

         Available Exception):

         instead of reflecting back this interrupt to the V86 mode handler,

         SOFT-ICE tries to skip the offending coprocessor instruction (it

         checks for some opcodes). it seems the Nu-Mega folks never thought

         it would be called directly... for a real life application get some

         programs written (and protected) by Predator 666.

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-)

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      8. by the use of the Invalid Opcode Exception (INT06):

         SOFT-ICE tries to emulate some instructions (e.g. LOADALL), and then

         reflects back this exception to the V86 mode handler. however,

         certain opcodes aren't recognized and will give you an error message

         (i.e. execution will be interrupted, if the protection scheme uses

         this trick).

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-(

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      9. by using direct INTxx calls that are triggered by hardware

         interrupts (e.g. INT08-INT0F, INT70-INT77, if the vectors in the PIC

         are not reprogrammed), one will not be able to single step into the

         interrupt handler. in fact, SOFT-ICE will even execute the next

         instruction and just then stop (if the next instruction is also an

         INTxx call of this type then it will be stepped over as well, and so

         on). so far, i know of no protection scheme that uses this trick,

         but i guess i've just given out a good idea :-).

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-)

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      A. by reloading IDTR one can change the base and size of the interrupt

         table in real mode as well. however, SOFT-ICE will not emulate this

         instruction (it causes a General Protection Fault in V86 mode) thus

         a protection using LIDT won't run. the only problem is that memory

         managers don't like it very much, so probably we won't see it in a

         real life protection scheme, but one never knows :-).

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-(

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      B. sometimes one has to call an interrupt directly (GENINT xx), e.g. to

         dump a memory range to disk by using one's memory resident dumper

         (you know what i mean :-) and it's very annoying that SOFT-ICE

         doesn't stop after the interrupt call but executes the program

         being debugged (thus one has to set a breakpoint for a moment at the

         current CS:IP which will result in an unwanted 0xCC byte in the dump,

         if all debug registers are already used).

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-(

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

      C. in plain DOS INT3 and INT1 are handled by the same routine (which is

         a simple IRET). however, SOFT-ICE changes the INT3 handler of the

         V86 task to another IRET which can be detected by comparing its

         offset to the one of the INT1 handler. see HWINFO.EXE for

         an application

         DOS: :-(

         W31: :-)

         W95: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

         WNT: not tested yet (probably same as W31)

   the solutions

      in the following part you'll be presented with some ideas about the

   solution for the problems described above (the file offsets refer to the

   DOS version v2.80, but the ideas should work for other versions, as well.

   the easiest way to apply the patches is using Hacker's View which can

   be found in HIEW531.ZIP).

      one general problem is that SOFT-ICE (at least the DOS version) doesn't

   reprogram the hardware interrupt vectors, and this makes life (and the

   interrupt handlers) a bit more complex. the IDT that SOFT-ICE uses has

   entries that point to the following type of code:

   push xx

   jmp handler_xx

   where xx goes from 0x00 to 0xFF. in v2.80 this code begins at offset

   0x4534. the Win31 version has a very similar code beginning at offset

   0x14167 in v1.52:

   push d,[offset_xx]

   jmp handler_xx

      if you want to understand the patches that follow right below, you

   should study the interrupt handlers (and you should also have a good

   understanding of protected mode). however, some problems cannot be solved

   without understanding the internal flags of SOFT-ICE, and this requires a

   complete disassembly of it, which is a quite hard task i can tell.

      anyway, sooner or later it will be done, and then we'll have the

   ultimate debugging/cracking tool in our hands 'cos we'll be able to put in

   some missing functions, e.g. emulation of FlatRealMode, tracing INT1, PIC

   reprogramming, prefetch queue emulation, dumping a memory range to disk,

   etc. until then, enjoy the poor man's patches...

      1. some exe protections mentioned earlier are based upon the INT3

         interface of SOFT-ICE (see Ralf Brown's Interrupt List for details).

         this interface is activated when the protected mode INT3 handler of

         SOFT-ICE encounters the magic values in SI and DI. that is, when you

         try to trace through an INT3 call, SOFT-ICE will regain control,

         check for the magic values, and in case they are not found, it will

         reflect back this interrupt to the V86 mode INT3 handler (which it

         was supposed to do anyway). if it finds the magic values, then

         it'll execute the command given in AX (and DS:DX). all of these

         checks happen invisibly to the hacker, so there seems to be no

         solution to defeat this kind of protection (well, there's a slow way

         if you step through every instruction and before the "guilty" INT3

         call you change one or two registers).

         however, there's a simple solution: change the magic values SOFT-ICE

         is looking for and this will defeat those protectors based upon the

         INT3 interface. however, it's easier said than done because both

         SOFT-ICE (and WIN-ICE) itself and (W)LDR.EXE use this interface for

         some kind of intra/inter process communication. so every reference

         to the magic values will have to be changed!

         to keep the story short here's what i've come up with:

         browsing a few minutes in Hacker's View (another important tool ;-)

         i found the places where those changes had to be done. in order to

         avoid changes where those magic values occur by chance, i wrote an

         MSUB script to change whole instructions (they represent enough

         context). the amount of necessary changes would have forced me to

         use some search&replace utility, anyway. MSUB.EXE can be found in

         MSUB13.ZIP (use an ftp search engine to find it).

         the scripts

         SICE-VAL.MS: you should specify the old and new magic values in it

                      (note that numbers are decimal!)

         SICE2NEW.MS: it will replace the old magic values with the new ones.

                      there are almost 2^32 possible values, only that value

                      is forbidden for SI that equals to the version of

                      SOFT-ICE (for v2.80 it is \128\2, i.e. 0x0280). before

                      SOFT-ICE installs itself, it checks for its presence by

                      using an undocumented function of its INT3 interface by

                      setting AH to 0 or 1. on return SI will be loaded with

                      the version number or left unmodified if it's not

                      installed yet, that's why the version number must differ

                      from the preloaded value of SI.

         example usage


         if you're fed up with the shareware delay built into MSUB.EXE,

         here's how you can get rid of it (thanks to a friend of mine ;-)

         patch MSUB.EXE v1.3 (113,152 bytes long) as follows:

         offset    old new

         00002307: ??  EB

         00002308: ??  03

         0000C0DF: 77  EB

         the protection that SECURE uses is quite clever 'cos it checks the

         first 16 kBytes for the instruction sequence of

         mov si,SI_MAGIC

         mov di,DI_MAGIC

         they're encoded as 0BEh,x,y,0BFh,u,v where x,y,u and v are the magic

         values. when it finds 0BEh and 0BFh separated by two bytes from each

         other then it calls INT3 with the supposed magic values (the INT3

         handler is a simple IRET, so no problem should arise if SOFT-ICE is

         not installed). and guess what happens when SECURE finds the traces

         of the loader part of SOFT-ICE in that low memory area...

         the only solution that would defeat this kind of protection is to

         change the instructions that load SI and DI before the INT3 calls

         (unfortunately you can't avoid those calls since SOFT-ICE has to

         check for its presence and do other things). for obvious reasons

         (i guess one of the previous versions of this file gave the SECURE

         authors the idea...) i won't give you tips on how to do it, i hope

         you're smart enough to do it yourselves.

         the only limit is that you have 6 bytes of space to load both SI and

         DI (i checked that whenever SOFT-ICE uses the INT3 interface it loads

         SI and DI by two consecutive instructions, i.e. you can use the MSUB

         scripts to search for and replace them). another method could be to

         change the HBOOT command to something else (by MSUB of course),

         however other dangerous commands could be still issued...

         the BoundsChecker interface can be modified in the same way we did

         it with the rest of the INT3 interface: simply modify the value that

         is expected in ebp (but BoundsChecker must be changed as well!).

         look for the string "KHCB" to find the appropriate place.

         the following file offsets are valid for WINICE for Win 3.1 v1.52:

         offset    old new

         000130C7: 'K' ?

         000130C8: 'H' ?

         000130C9: 'C' ?

         000130CA: 'B' ?

         for WINICE for Win95 v3.0:

         offset    old new

         00016FDD: 'K' ?

         00016FDE: 'H' ?

         00016FDF: 'C' ?

         00016FE0: 'B' ?

         and for WINICE for Win95 v3.01:

         offset    old new

         000243F0: 'K' ?

         000243F1: 'H' ?

         000243F2: 'C' ?

         000243F3: 'B' ?

      2. the device names can be changed to anything you want, look at the

         beginning of S-ICE.EXE. the real problem is when the protection

         checks for instruction sequences. my only advice is that step through

         the protection and see which part of the code is checked for, then

         try to modify it in S-ICE.EXE (or disassemble, modify and then

         recompile the whole executable, but that's not gonna happen for

         a long time, i guess... :-).

         to defeat the int41 check, you have to change both the return value

         of the real and protected mode handlers in WINICE and the value that

         is checked for in KRNL386.EXE, VMM32.VXD, EMM386.EXE, IFSHLP.SYS and 

         NET.EXE. all these changes are necessary otherwise some WINICE

         commands (HWND, TASK) won't work 'cos apparently they rely on some

         Window$ functions which are available only in the debug kernel (and

         during startup these programs/drivers do this int41 check which will

         fail if you don't change the values they're expecting, as well).

         there're five places in WINICE that have to be patched (one is a cmp,

         the other four are mov's) and one in each one of the rest. sorry,

         that i don't provide you with detailed offsets, but there're too many

         versions/combinations of both WINICE and Win31/Win95... note, that

         after these changes other programs that want to use debug kernel

         functions will fail :-)

         and now let's talk about the VXD entry point check. the ID is stored

         at file offset 0x7821E in WINICE for Win95 v3.01 (to find it in

         other versions as well just look for "SICE   ", and the ID will be

         a few bytes before this text).

         so to change the ID just overwrite it there. however, it's not

         enough since some companion programs also test for WINICE by trying

         to get the VXD entry point, i.e. they have to be modified as well.

         they're DLOG.EXE and WLDR.EXE, and search for int2F (opcode: 0xCD

         0x2F) to get to the right place... :-)

         anyway, for the versions that come with WINICE for Win95 v3.0,

         the file offsets of the ID are 0x625/6 and 0x68B9/A respectively.

      3. what we have to do is simply skip the unnecessary parts in the

         handler (the beeps) and simulate the instruction as it would have

         been a direct INT 01 call (opcode: 0xCD 0x01). this way one will not

         only get rid of the beeps but be able to trace into the handler as

         well (and we'll have some space to put some extra code in when we'll

         need it :-).

         offset    old new

         00001DD5: 50  EB

         00001DD6: 51  60

      4. [this part is being worked on]


      5. there are two possible solutions: we either disable the DRx emulation

         feature of SOFT-ICE (this is quite easy to do) or correct it (this is

         really hard to do). SOFT-ICE emulates each instruction by executing

         a function whose offset is looked up in a table. each function ends

         in the same way: IP of the V86 task is incremented by the appropriate

         amount of bytes. so to disable emulation we'll change the pointers

         in that table to the common end of the functions, this way these

         instructions will essentially be handled as NOPs. i don't know

         whether it's worth to do it or not, since this modification can be

         detected by simply loading one of the debug registers and then

         checking whether it's really been modified or not. a more elegant

         solution would be to reserve a few bytes in the data segment of

         SOFT-ICE for storing the values of these registers and emulate the

         instructions (or at least their loading). anyone out there willing

         to do that?

         anyway, here's how to do the patch: the table itself is at file

         offset 0x1F1DD and it has 12 words in it pointing to the

         emulation code of the following instructions:

             mov eax,dr0 and mov dr0,eax

             mov eax,dr1 and mov dr1,eax

             mov eax,dr2 and mov dr2,eax

             mov eax,dr3 and mov dr3,eax

             mov eax,dr4 and mov dr4,eax

             mov eax,dr5 and mov dr5,eax

             mov eax,dr6 and mov dr6,eax

             mov eax,dr7 and mov dr7,eax

             mov eax,cr0 and mov cr0,eax

             mov eax,cr1 and mov cr1,eax

             mov eax,cr2 and mov cr2,eax

             mov eax,cr3 and mov cr3,eax

         note that there's no offset for emulating CR4...

         the offset of the common exit point (i.e. the new value you may want

         to set these pointers to) is 0x175A (this is NOT a file offset...).

         these patches still don't cure the problem with CR4. if you decided

         to get rid of the emulation entirely (including CR4) then you can

         do it much easier:

         offset    old new

         00002E7E: 03  0A

         00002E7F: 00  01

      6. i'll give you a general solution in section 8 since INT08 is just a

         a subset of the hardware interrupts which are discussed there.

      7. this problem can be solved quite easily: we replace the original

         protected mode handler with the one that serves all not_IRQ_related

         interrupts (and whose only task is to reflect them back to the

         V86 mode handler).

         offset    old new

         0000455A: B6  14

         0000455B: DF  D6

      8. what we have to do is to skip the call that prints the error message

         and simply reflect this interrupt back to the V86 mode handler.

         note that your buggy programs won't cause SOFT-ICE to pop up after

         this patch :-) (however, you'll be able to break in and see what

         went wrong).

         offset    old new

         00002447: A9  C3

      9. now we'll make use of the extra space we made in the original INT01

         handler. we have to check whether the interrupt was triggered by a

         hardware IRQ or not. this can be done by the following routine:

         push eax          ; save the registers that will be modified

         pushf             ; the order of PUSHs is important!

         mov al,0Bh        ; we'll read in the in-service registers

         out 20h,al        ; master PIC

         out 0A0h,al       ; slave PIC

                           ; there might be needed a short delay here

                           ; however, on my machine it isn't :-)

         in al,20h         ; read INTs being serviced by master PIC

         mov ah,al         ; save for later test

         in al,0A0h        ; read INTs being serviced by slave PIC

         test ax,0FFFFh    ; was it a hardware int?

         jnz original      ; 

         popf              ; restore flags

         pop eax           ; the general handler doesn't expect it

         jmp offset 1B70h  ; this has to be the general handler (this offset

                           ; is valid in v2.80)


         mov ax,8          ; the first two instructions of the original handler

         popf              ; were push eax, mov ax,8, thus we won't pop eax

         jmp offset 1A77h  ; this has to be the original handler's offset

                           ; plus 5 bytes (the length of push eax, mov ax,8)

         and at the beginning of the original handler (offset 0x1A72) we put:

         jmp offset 1DD7h  ; and since it's only 3 bytes long,

                           ; we get 2 spare bytes :-)

         the binary patches follow:

         offset    old new

         00001A72: 66  E9

         00001A73: 50  62

         00001A74: B8  03

         00001DD5: 50  EB

         00001DD6: 51  60

         00001DD7: B9  66

         00001DD8: 03  50

         00001DD9: 00  9C

         00001DDA: B0  B0

         00001DDB: 03  0B

         00001DDC: E6  E6

         00001DDD: 61  20

         00001DDE: 51  E6

         00001DDF: 33  A0

         00001DE0: C9  E4

         00001DE1: E2  20

         00001DE2: FE  8A

         00001DE3: E2  E0

         00001DE4: FE  E4

         00001DE5: E2  A0

         00001DE6: FE  A9

         00001DE7: E2  FF

         00001DE8: FE  FF

         00001DE9: E2  B8

         00001DEA: FE  08

         00001DEB: E2  00

         00001DEC: FE  75

         00001DED: E2  06

         00001DEE: FE  9D

         00001DEF: E2  66

         00001DF0: FE  58

         00001DF1: E2  E9

         00001DF2: FE  7C

         00001DF3: E2  FD

         00001DF4: FE  9D

         00001DF5: E2  E9

         00001DF6: FE  7F

         00001DF7: E2  FC

      A. to solve this problem we should do a complete disassembly of SOFT-ICE

         since we have to keep track of the base and size of the V86 mode

         interrupt table, and this requires too many changes to be worth to do

         it with simple byte patches.

      B. a somewhat lame (but it's more than nothing) solution is the

         following: we chain in a P RET command after GENINT by patching

         the jump at the end of the GENINT handler to the beginning of P RET.

         after executing GENINT we'll land at the IRET of our handler and

         a further P or T will take us back to the original instruction we

         were at. i said it was somewhat lame... but it works :-)

         offset    old new

         000118BF: BC  00

         000118C0: E0  C7

      C. before executing anything call up SOFT-ICE and change the offset of

         the V86 mode INT3 handler to the one of the INT1 handler.

      D. !!! SURPRISE !!!

         while you're in WINICE for Win95 v3.0 or 3.01 type in the following

         command: "ver ice" and see what you get... however, note that due

         to a bug (or feature?) you can use only once this command during

         a session, you have to restart WINICE to be able to get the

         message again.

         and while we're at undocumented features, try out "ver ?" as well.

         in the next release, i'll try to write a detailed description

         of the new commands (not that if it were that hard to find out...)

   unsolved mysteries :-)

      1. even the Nu-Mega docs tell about a problem when SOFT-ICE for DOS is

         loaded from the command line: if HIMEM.SYS is installed the machine

         simply reboots. i tracked down the problem and found out that the

         processor resets itself because of a triple fault. it happens so:

         after preparing the IDT and GDT (and loading IDTR and GDTR), paging

         will be enabled in CR0, and then DS and ES will be loaded a

         descriptor offset of 8. however, both this descriptor and the IDT

         seem to be invalid, and this leads to a triple fault. unfortunately,

         i couldn't find out what goes wrong during the setup of IDT and GDT,

         perhaps someone else out there will do the dirty job :-)... and maybe

         Nu-Mega will award you with a free, legal version :-)).

      2. on a Cyrix 486DLC-40 system (both with and without a coproc) SOFT-ICE

         gets a Page Fault and halts if the processor is running at 40 MHz,

         but works fine at 33 MHz. the Page Fault seems to happen while the

         code window is being put out (i.e. during the execution of the wc

         command). this is nonsense! so far, no solution... and yes, it's

         another dirty job...

   P.S. for everyone

         perhaps there's someone out there who didn't know it so far...

         WINICE can be used without Window$ (and you'll be able to debug

         programs that use some DOS extender, if it can make use of DPMI, but

         that's the case with the most popular ones, e.g. DOS4GW or PMODE/W)!

         the trick is that you have to make a 'crippled' version of Window$,

         i.e. make Window$ start without its GUI. a complete description of

         this can be found at the following URL:


         after creating this GUI-less Window$ all you have to do is to start

         WINICE (beware, your normal Window$ shouldn't be on your PATH!) and

         voila, you'll be in a DOS session (i hope that you could find it out

         yourself that you had to start COMMAND.COM as your KRNL386.EXE...)

         with WINICE being able to pop up whenever you need it (of course, for

         native Window$ programs you'll need a full Window$).

         and if we're at Window$ here's another trick: if you don't want to

         see the logo being shown every time you start Window$, either start

         WIN.COM with a command line paramater of ':' i.e.

                WIN.COM :

         or (as the above method doesn't work with our GUIless version since

         WINICE doesn't seem to pass any parameters or you are too lazy to

         type in every time 2 more characters :-) look for the string 'LOGO'

         in WIN.COM and change it to something else (it's enough to change

         only one bit). note, that the WIN.COM of Window$ for Workgroups

         doesn't like this patch...

   P.S. for protection writers

         i know that some of the above modifications can be defeated (i could

         do it myself) however i won't make your life easier... i hope you

         understand why :-)

The Owl 1997


cut from here ------

# OLD_SI: 'FG'

# OLD_DI: 'JM'









-------------- until here


cut from here ------



# mov si,OLD_SI -> mov si,NEW_SI



# mov di,OLD_DI -> mov di,NEW_DI



# cmp si,OLD_SI -> cmp si,NEW_SI



# cmp di,OLD_DI -> cmp di,NEW_DI



# cmp w,[bp+4],OLD_SI -> cmp w,[bp+4],NEW_SI



# cmp w,[bp+0],OLD_DI -> cmp w,[bp+0],NEW_DI



# mov w,[bp+4],OLD_SI -> mov w,[bp+4],NEW_SI



# mov w,[bp+0],OLD_DI -> mov w,[bp+0],NEW_DI



# not sure about these ones...

# cmp w,[4],OLD_SI -> cmp w,[4],NEW_SI



# mov ax,OLD_SI -> mov ax,NEW_SI



------------ until here	

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