Undocumented HASP
(no more security through obscurity)
27 May 1998
by Bajunny
Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering
slightly edited
by fravia+

...maybe the HASP designers never took this into account and 

concentrated rather on production costs... and cut costs on 

good encryption... they must have thought that neither the 

(gullible) programmers nor the (incompetent) testers would 

ever have found out the terrible intrinsic weakness of this 

HASP scheme...

... luckily there are some good reversers around, like Bajunny, that with this last part of his now famous Undocumented Hasp essay, eliminates once for all Aladdin's protection scheme, which proves to be rather trivial (russian dudes have even created automated 'dehaspers'). Software programmers, take note: NEVER trust commercial protectors: see, FOR MONEY you'll always be able to get only "poor concocted" protections , you'll find FAR better protections FOR FREE (on this very site as well). As usual, on this web of ours.
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Some necessary final words for my Undocumented HASP project..
Undocumented HASP
Closing Part
Written by Bajunny



                    Undocumented HASP,           by -bajunny

                         Part III

                 (hopefully the last one)


    7. C'est la mort du petit cheval.


  Brushing up my materials on HASP reversing while writing

these words I suddenly realized there was nothing more to add!

You have been shown how HASP produce its answer to given seed,

and now you are able to bruteforce HASP password in case you have 

a solitary dongle and no corresponding software... boy, you can 

even read/write ALL hasp memory!


  Of course, there were some dark spots in my narration - bound

to be, coz I never tried to contact the manufacturer and

had no information whatsoever on internals (hhe, I will hardly

receive anything but useless advertisement brochures).. 

I also didn't describe the necessary electrical wiring here: 

it's rather trivial, just imagine famous HASP ASIC and 

93C46X EEPROM and a bunch of diodes...

Such EEPROM is not protected and can be soldered away and 

analyzed - well, it's not necessary: it can be read/written in 

place much more easily..


  Soon after publishing part II I was told that memory is 

accessed through MicroWire(tm) protocol - and so opcodes

0100100000 and 0100010000 stand for "bulk erase" and

"bulk write" respectively (do not forget to save your HASP

memory content before you decide to play with them:) - many

thanks to Highway S‰ar for that info!


  Very interesting things came from the "secret table". Let's look

again at this neat 64-bit-to-one boolean function, that I prefer 

to arrange as 8x8 table. Here is the snapshot for one of my HASPs:

0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1  please note, number of 1s and 0s are equal and

1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0  all columns exhibit some very clear symmetrical

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1  patterns. I have observed about 10 such tables

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  (not a big number for solid statistics, BTW)

0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1  and everywhere I saw only vectors from the set

1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0  { 00000000, 11111111, 10101010, 01010101,

0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1    11001100, 00110011, 11110000, 00001111 }

1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0  (how close to the truth was I!! -- see appendix)

  This observation moved me to the following explanation of the

boolean's output: input actually consists of two triads, one to

select a certain bit from the other, invert or not invert it and

so generate a vector from the set above..

*** ***

 |   |           For each boolean we have thus a complexity of 

 |  selector     8 triads (or 24bits..) - so Aladdine could not

 |               make more than 16M unique HASPs :)

bits to be selected, add an imaginary 4th wire for a constant

input - totals in 4 + inverted ==> 8 vectors!


  All HASPs I've tested had symmetrical booleans - I strongly 

believe it is this that made some independent testers trust 

in HASP API#2 good security... The reason is that linear 

congruential RNG, though very weak, provide "linear", i.e. 

uniform performance on bin test - and if boolean is also 

symmetrical (in a crypto sense, i.e. it has equal number

of 0s and 1s) the output would be rather "random-looking" 

and non-biased for simple statistical tests if only boolean 

isn't degenerately symmetrical (in usual sense). But it's all

my fabrications, maybe the HASP designers never took this into

account, concentrated rather on production costs... and cut 

costs on good encryption... they must have thought that neither 

the (gullible) programmers nor the (incompetent) testers would 

ever have found out the intrinsic weakness of this scheme... 


  Observation of that symmetry really helps when reconstructing

secret tables by some known HASP answers but I never expected that

the key to HASP secret table structure had been in my hands

all the time! But listen to the real story!...


  At the beginning of May two russian crackers (MeteO and Fixit)

have found by trial&error and pure Zen pondering the strongest 

correlation between the secret table boolean and the HASP password!!! 

As MeteO said: "now HASP is really DEAD", there's nothing left except 

EEPROM.. Automatically all the problems with ambiguous password

detection vanished, coz now one can draw a secret table from the

password and the contrary as well! YOU CAN DERIVE the valid password 

from the secret table (which is observable after a quick session of 

password bruteforcing)!


  The relevant code is presented in appendix. Now I would like to 

give some finalizing comments for my "Undocumented HASP" essay... 

I hope you survived boredom reading through this...


  Well, I hope this text was useful. Its main purpose was not 

to show you what's inside HASP, which proved fairly easy, but to show 

you all the IMPORTANCE to dig deeper in order 

to UNDERSTAND things. 

As far as I remember the black magic of cybernetics, Ashby law states 

that the required variety of regulator must exceed those of the system 

being regulated. 

So whenever someone tries purposely to lower the amount of relevant 

information available to you (Micro$oft, anti-reverser regulators, 

obfuscating programmers...) he actually lowers your required variety 

- and you become therefore much more controllable! (Sorry, I should stop 

this rambling here, it certainly needs more preparation - but I guess 

that now you yourself have athered a different vision than before, 

haven't you? :) 

Another note: remember that "shoulders principle"? When I bumped into 

MeteO's results I was at first dumbfounded, but he reassured me - "After 

all, without your findings we wouldn't have gone any further.." And I  

believe that the open +HCU university is playing indeed a great role 

"to make bridges, not walls"! 

  Yours faithfully,                                 --Bajunny


  Thanks to:

    MeteO and Fixit,

    Highway S‰ar,


    and, of course, to all +crackers and to the +HCU!

  "Special" thanks to the "programmers" of

   Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. for their laziness and 

   their lame attempts to obfuscate their really dumb and 

   ugly code...

APPENDIX -------- // TOTAL DISCLOSURE of HASP codegen!!! // ------- slightly bugfixed.. -------- /************************************************************************** * * This code is only for demo and educational use! * * The HASP(R)codegenerator and its documentation are copyrighted by //UCL. * All rights reserved. * * This is *complete* HASP seed code generator for NetHASP(TM), MacHASP(TM), * DataHASP(TM), TimeHASP(TM), SerialHASP(TM), HASP36(TM), MemoHASP36(TM), * NetHASP36(TM), OpenHASP(TM), HASPCard(TM) of Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. * * (c)1998 by MeteO, Fixit * e-mail us: meteo@null.net * admin@fixit.spb.ru *************************************************************************/ #include <STDIO.h> long pwd; char al_buf[8]; static unsigned char ch[10]; unsigned int tab[64]; unsigned int seed,j,k; HASP_rows[8][8]={ {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1}, {1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0}, {0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1}, {1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1}, {1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0}, {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} }; /*************************************** The table is represented as triads ***************************************/ void xor_pwd(void) { int i; pwd^=0x09071966; /* Guess, whose birthday.. ;) */ for(i=0;i<8;i++) { al_buf[i]= pwd & 7; pwd = pwd >> 3; } }; /*************************************** Main function (HASP_seed) Original code by bajunny ****************************************/ void emulate_func2( unsigned short seed) { int i, j; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { ch[i] = 0; for(j=0;j<8;j++) { seed *= 0x1989; seed += 5; ch[i] |= (tab[(seed>>9)&0x3f]) <7-j); } } } void main(void) { int i; printf("\nInput 1st HASP password:"); scanf("%4X",(int*) &j); printf("Input 2nd HASP password:"); scanf("%4X",(int*) &k); pwd=(long) k*0x10000+j; printf("\nInput HASP seedcode:"); scanf("%x", (int*) &seed); xor_pwd(); /************************************ Compute universal secret table *************************************/ for(i=0;i<8;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){tab[i+j*8]=HASP_rows[al_buf[i]][j];} } for(i=0;i<8;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%1.1d",tab[i*8+j]);} printf("\n"); } emulate_func2(seed); for(i=0;i<4;i++) {printf("%2.2X%2.2X ", ch[i*2+1],ch[i*2]);} } // ------------- end of transmission -----------------

Ob Duh
I *strongly* believe the contents of this "Ob Duh" section should be obvious to you after all that reading, so just close the eyes and let it visualize in your head..

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