Hex Workshop 32 v. 2.53
("A weak protection scheme is worst than no protection scheme at all")

by Aesculapius
(05 July 1997, slightly edited by Fravia)

Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering

                          Hex Workshop 32 v. 2.53 Crack

      (A weak protection scheme is worst than no protection scheme at all)

                                 By Aesculapius

    Getting advantages from weak protection schemes has always been one of

my favorites activities. Turning your worst enemy into your best friend is

one of the more stunning goals of a cracker. This application is not only

a great shining diamond for our trade (being a very good hexeditor) but 

also an excellent example in how a precise modification of the protection 

scheme can turn it to your advantage.

Hex Workshop v. 2.52 has already been cracked (BTW, +ORC explained the 

'dead listing' approach cracking version 2.1 of this same program inside 

his lesson 9.3) and probably the same modifications of the previous version 

apply to this one, however, what i pretend to teach in this essay is how 

to reach the heart, or should i say, pull out the guts of this protection 

scheme with your own bare hands (nasty!!! ain't it). 

May we begin?

    Hex Workshop is protected with a mediocre serial number system. Lets

disassemble the code with w32dsm85, now, hit your search button looking for

"Registration unsuccessful" (the tittle of the wrong serial number window

warning). Wdasm lands in this segment of code:

Name: DialogID_0075, # of Controls=003, Caption:"Registration Unsuccessful"

     001 - ControlID:FFFF, Control Class:"" Control Text:"You have entered an

invalid registration number."

     002 - ControlID:FFFF, Control Class:"" Control Text:"Please confirm you

entered a valid registration number or contact BreakPoint S"

     003 - ControlID:0001, Control Class:"" Control Text:"&OK"

    Now search this precise dialog number. Now hit F3 button in

wdasm (search again) looking for "DialogID_0075". You'll land here:

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"JN11mARQ"; This should win the

                                                      programmers stupidity

                                                      award. As this is one

                                                      of the few known

                                                      working serial numbers

                                                      widely spread around

                                                      the web, programmers

                                                      choose to insert this 

                                                      code HARDWIRED in their 

                                                      new versions, to avoid its

                                                      use by lamers, instead

                                                      of changing the code

                                                      generation sequence itself!!!


:00409C41 6874D84700             push 0047D874

:00409C46 8D45DC                 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-24]

:00409C49 50                     push eax

:00409C4A E8210A0300             call 0043A670

:00409C4F 83C408                 add esp, 00000008 ; Is the serial typed 8

                                                     bytes long? If not then

                                                     flag is 00 otherwise flag

                                                     is 01

:00409C52 85C0                   test eax, eax

:00409C54 0F8414000000           je 00409C6E

:00409C5A 8D45DC                 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-24]

:00409C5D 50                     push eax

:00409C5E E8DDD50200             call 00437240 ; checking procedure. Result

                                                 stored in EAX.

:00409C63 83C404                 add esp, 00000004

:00409C66 8945EC                 mov dword ptr [ebp-14], eax ; Something

                                                             ; stored in flag

                                                             ; byte.

:00409C69 E907000000             jmp 00409C75

* Referenced by a Jump at Address:00409C54(C)


:00409C6E C745EC00000000         mov [ebp-14], 00000000 ; Flag and three more

                                                        ; bytes are turn into

                                                        ; 00

* Referenced by a Jump at Address:00409C69(U)


:00409C75 837DEC00               cmp dword ptr [ebp-14], 00000000 ; Compares

                                                                    flag with


                                                                    If flag is


:00409C79 0F8479000000           je 00409CF8 ; This jumps beyond the invalid

                                               serial number box.

:00409C7F 8B8DFCFEFFFF           mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FEFC]

:00409C85 83C15C                 add ecx, 0000005C

:00409C88 E8F37FFFFF             call 00401C80

:00409C8D 50                     push eax

:00409C8E 8B85FCFEFFFF           mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FEFC]

:00409C94 8B4060                 mov eax, dword ptr [eax+60]

:00409C97 83C002                 add eax, 00000002

:00409C9A 50                     push eax

:00409C9B E820F20200             call 00438EC0

:00409CA0 83C408                 add esp, 00000008

:00409CA3 8B85FCFEFFFF           mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FEFC]

:00409CA9 8B4060                 mov eax, dword ptr [eax+60]

:00409CAC 66C7000100             mov word ptr [eax], 0001

:00409CB1 6A00                   push 00000000

:00409CB3 8B85FCFEFFFF           mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FEFC]

:00409CB9 8B4060                 mov eax, dword ptr [eax+60]

:00409CBC 50                     push eax

:00409CBD 8D8D74FFFFFF           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FF74]

:00409CC3 E824C70100             call 004263EC

:00409CC8 C745FC00000000         mov [ebp-04], 00000000

:00409CCF 8D8D74FFFFFF           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FF74]

:00409CD5 E8D4E00300             call 00447DAE

* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00001: "Hex Workshop Version 2.53"


:00409CDA 6A01                   push 00000001

:00409CDC 8B8DFCFEFFFF           mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FEFC]

:00409CE2 E8E8E10300             call 00447ECF

:00409CE7 C745FCFFFFFFFF         mov [ebp-04], FFFFFFFF

:00409CEE E8CE000000             call 00409DC1

:00409CF3 E9B8000000             jmp 00409DB0

* Referenced by a Jump at Address:00409C79(C)


:00409CF8 E8A38AFFFF          call 004027A0

:00409CFD 89850CFFFFFF        mov dword ptr [ebp+FF0C], eax

:00409D03 8B850CFFFFFF        mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FF0C]

:00409D09 8B00                mov eax, dword ptr [eax]

:00409D0B 898508FFFFFF        mov dword ptr [ebp+FF08], eax

* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00001: "Hex Workshop Version 2.53"


:00409D11 6A01                push 00000001

:00409D13 8B8508FFFFFF        mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FF08]

:00409D19 8B8D0CFFFFFF        mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FF0C]

:00409D1F FF9094000000        call dword ptr [eax+00000094]

:00409D25 68D0070000          push 000007D0

* Reference To: KERNEL32.Sleep, Ord:0218h


:00409D2A FF1588194900           Call dword ptr [00491988]

:00409D30 E86B8AFFFF             call 004027A0

:00409D35 898504FFFFFF           mov dword ptr [ebp+FF04], eax

:00409D3B 8B8504FFFFFF           mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FF04]

:00409D41 8B00                   mov eax, dword ptr [eax]

:00409D43 898500FFFFFF           mov dword ptr [ebp+FF00], eax

:00409D49 6A00                   push 00000000

:00409D4B 8B8500FFFFFF           mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FF00]

:00409D51 8B8D04FFFFFF           mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FF04]

:00409D57 FF9094000000           call dword ptr [eax+00000094]

:00409D5D 6A00                   push 00000000

:00409D5F 6A00                   push 00000000

* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00001: "Hex Workshop Version 2.53"


:00409D61 6A01                   push 00000001

* Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_0075 ; This piece of code should not

                                              ; be executed if the serial

                                              ; number typed is right...


:00409D63 6A75                   push 00000075

:00409D65 8D8D10FFFFFF           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FF10]

:00409D6B E890F3FFFF             call 00409100

* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00001: "Hex Workshop Version 2.53"


:00409D70 C745FC01000000         mov [ebp-04], 00000001

:00409D77 8D8D10FFFFFF           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FF10]

:00409D7D E82CE00300             call 00447DAE

* Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_0064, CONTROL_ID:0404, ""


:00409D82 6804040000             push 00000404

:00409D87 8B8DFCFEFFFF           mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FEFC]

:00409D8D E8DC190400             call 0044B76E

:00409D92 8945F0                 mov dword ptr [ebp-10], eax

:00409D95 8B45F0                 mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-10]

:00409D98 50                     push eax

:00409D99 8B8DFCFEFFFF           mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FEFC]

:00409D9F E8CC010000             call 00409F70

:00409DA4 C745FCFFFFFFFF         mov [ebp-04], FFFFFFFF

:00409DAB E805000000             call 00409DB5

* Referenced by a Jump at Address:00409CF3(U)


:00409DB0 E922000000            jmp 00409DD7

* Referenced by a CALL at Address:00409DAB


:00409DB5 8D8D10FFFFFF          lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FF10]

:00409DBB E890F4FFFF            call 00409250

:00409DC0 C3                    ret

    As you can see, this code is self explaining, the invalid serial number

is first compared with the widely spread (JN11mARQ); if it isn't this

number, then the execution will check your serial number for

validation at CALL in address :00409C5E. Lets search this CALL. Hit search

button at Wdasm looking for ":00409C5E". We land here:

* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:00409C5E   , :00426118                

                                      ; Lady's and gentleman we're inside the

                                      ; protection scheme itself... and we

                                      ; found TWO calls... that means that

                                      ; the valid serial is calculated two

                                      ; times, how touching, probably, the

                                      ; first one when application starts

                                      ; and the other when the user tries

                                      ; to register it.


:00437240 83EC14                 sub esp, 00000014

:00437243 B9FFFFFFFF             mov ecx, FFFFFFFF

:00437248 2BC0                   sub eax, eax

:0043724A 56                     push esi

:0043724B 8B74241C               mov esi, dword ptr [esp + 1C]

:0043724F 57                     push edi

:00437250 8BFE                   mov edi, esi

:00437252 F2                     repnz

:00437253 AE                     scasb

:00437254 F7D1                   not ecx

:00437256 49                     dec ecx

:00437257 83F908                 cmp ecx, 00000008 ; Once again, its the

                                                   ; code 8 bytes long? No,

                                                   ; then EAX=0 Unreg.

:0043725A 7408                   je 00437264

:0043725C 33C0                   xor eax, eax

:0043725E 5F                     pop edi

:0043725F 5E                     pop esi

:00437260 83C414                 add esp, 00000014

:00437263 C3                     ret

* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0043725A(C)


:00437264 6A0A                   push 0000000A

:00437266 8D4602                 lea eax, dword ptr [esi+02]

:00437269 6A00                   push 00000000

:0043726B 50                     push eax

:0043726C E8DF1F0000             call 00439250

:00437271 8D4C2414               lea ecx, dword ptr [esp + 14]

:00437275 83C40C                 add esp, 0000000C

:00437278 8BFE                   mov edi, esi

:0043727A 51                     push ecx

:0043727B 50                     push eax

:0043727C E83FFFFFFF             call 004371C0

:00437281 83C408                 add esp, 00000008

:00437284 B9FFFFFFFF             mov ecx, FFFFFFFF

:00437289 2BC0                   sub eax, eax

:0043728B F2                     repnz

:0043728C AE                     scasb

:0043728D F7D1                   not ecx

:0043728F 2BF9                   sub edi, ecx

:00437291 8BC1                   mov eax, ecx

:00437293 C1E902                 shr ecx, 00000002

:00437296 8BF7                   mov esi, edi

:00437298 8D7C240C               lea edi, dword ptr [esp + 0C]

:0043729C F3                     repz

:0043729D A5                     movsd

:0043729E 8BC8                   mov ecx, eax

:004372A0 83E103                 and ecx, 00000003

:004372A3 F3                     repz

:004372A4 A4                     movsb

:004372A5 8D742408               lea esi, dword ptr [esp + 08]

:004372A9 8D4C240C               lea ecx, dword ptr [esp + 0C]

:004372AD 51                     push ecx

:004372AE E82D2D0000             call 00439FE0

:004372B3 83C404                 add esp, 00000004

* Possible Reference to Menu: MenuID_0002


* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00002: "Hex Workshop"


:004372B6 B902000000             mov ecx, 00000002 ; Stores two bytes to

                                                   ; compare.

:004372BB 8BF8                   mov edi, eax

:004372BD 2BC0                   sub eax, eax

:004372BF F3                     repz        ; Finally, the program compares

:004372C0 A6                     cmpsb       ; two calculated bytes with

                                             ; the first two bytes of the

                                               serial number you typed, if

                                               equal, then EAX=01 at


:004372C1 7405                   je 004372C8 ; Changing this to jne will do

                                             ; the crack

:004372C3 1BC0                   sbb eax, eax

:004372C5 83D8FF                 sbb eax, FFFFFFFF

* Referenced by a Jump at Address:004372C1(C)


:004372C8 85C0                   test eax, eax

:004372CA B800000000             mov eax, 00000000 ; changing this to

                                                   ; mov eax,1 will

                                                   ; probably do the crack

:004372CF 7505                   jne 004372D6

* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00001: "Hex Workshop Version 2.53"


:004372D1 B801000000             mov eax, 00000001

* Referenced by a Jump at Address:004372CF(C)


:004372D6 5F                     pop edi

:004372D7 5E                     pop esi

:004372D8 83C414                 add esp, 00000014

:004372DB C3                     ret

We've seen enough, the program will check only the first two bytes of the

serial number to see if the number you typed match the one it calculated.

It accomplish this task using REPZ CMPSB (F3A6), damn, poor people!

Another "stupidity flag"! Just searching for the instruction 'F3A6' we would 

have landed right in the hearth of the protection scheme. 

There are many modifications that will defeat this scheme. 

I prefer the following one:


:004372C0 A6 cmpsb


:004372C0 A4 movsb

The right bytes will be moved to the first two bytes of your serial number

and, as the zero flag is already set, EAX will then be equal to 01.

This crack will force the program to accept any serial number as valid and

therefore it will create an hexworks.reg file key which will work 

in any shareware version of the program. 

By simply erasing the key file, you may create as many new keys as 


As you can see, the protection scheme itself works now for us as a 

key generator, able to create as many valid keys as we request.

        New learning Crackers can use before reverse engineering the target

 this Valid Serial Number: SYAESCUL, in order to learn more about what 

happens when the program is registered. Once you have verified it, just delete 

the registered version and reinstall an "original" one in order to 

follow this essay.


                                       Aesculapius - July 1997

                                       Email: aesculapius@cyberjunkie.com

                                       HomePage: aesculapius.home.ml.org

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